"We will mete out to them the measure, and more than the measure, that they have meted out to us. We will have no truce or parley with you, or the grisly gang who work your wicked will. You do your worst – and we will do our best."
- Winston Churchill, July 14, 1941
It was only a matter of time before the flames of chaos attempted to jump across our border. Was there any doubt?
In his first 60 days, Trump torched the rule of law. He has incinerated America's international alliances and is burning away the fabric of social solidarity essential to keep a nation whole.
Canadians have watched the MAGA gong show grow increasingly vicious and nihilistic. We knew that sooner or later, Trump would feel the need to extend the political arson to his peaceful neighbours.
But we've used the days and weeks since January 6 to ready ourselves.
I am not talking about our political leadership but rather ordinary people. At kitchen tables and workplaces across the country, Canadians have come together to identify what they, as individuals and families, needed to do to protect our nation.
This isn't a trade war – it is an existential threat.
Recently, I received a powerful message from a former section leader of a Canadian unit in Afghanistan who wrote: "I used to tell my squad that if they feared what was coming, they were already lost." He said it came down to being ready and trusting their training and their mates.
That's the Canadian way and it’s how we have always done it.
All of Canada is in the forward trench. We can't count on what Donald will do next, but we can count on each other.
I have never been more inspired by the determination of people across this country to stand up and be counted. To defend our values. To defend our diversity and national fairness. To defend our beautiful land.
That's where Canada is at today.
But let's look at where the Americans are as they watch their institutions and values thrown into the mindless dumpster fire that is MAGA.
This morning, they woke up to the reality that the world's most enduring and valuable trade relationship had been blown to smithereens. The markets are already beginning to tank. American businesses and governors must now explain the massive price hikes, economic chaos and job losses coming to their regions.
And their voters will demand to know – what possible benefit will there be at the end of the day?
Canadians understand that the hurt on our side of the border will be enormous. We also know the pain felt by our American cousins on the other side will be severe.
But Canadians are unified as never before.
So, no doubt in the coming days, the arsonist-in-chief will shout louder, and try to distract more dramatically. Perhaps the media will follow him to see where he is going.
This is the power of the big lie.
But the big lie is about to face down-to-earth Canadian truth.
We don't need to boast or shout. That's not who we are.
Canadians are hunkering down. We know that we are in the fight of our lives. But at the end of the day, Canada will still be standing.
True. North. Strong. Free.
Elbows up, people. Elbows up.
It took our Prime Minister Trudeau to tell the truth and explain tariffs to the American people because their President and government is lying to them.
Scotland 🏴 is with you Canada 🇨🇦