Charlie, you are one of this Americans heros right from the beginning. You're one of those folks who give US Unity & Courage with Hope as well. Our political leaders all need to take an example and get them some Charlie Sense. ☮🇨🇦💙
Bravo Canada. Americans, even those who voted for Trump, did not sign up for this chaos, poor judgment and outright lying. We will survive but much has been destroyed that we were proud of. Most of us do not support the MAGA agenda.
I am a retired Marine MSgt and I was so grateful for PM Trudeau's words. I listened to both the English and French answers and even though I don't speak French, I have taken Latin and I understood what he was saying. I am disgusted and expected no different action from the Orange Traitor Felon than he pulled last term. He is not a success ful businessman rather he has bankrupted casinos and more businesses than anyone else. He is Putin's puppet and doing the bidding of the worst tyrant in the last 50 years. Putin wants the Canadian Arctic. So he sent his puppet to destroy the economy of Canada. I stand with Canada and Canadians. FDJT, FJDV, Fmagates
Trump's behavior toward Allies is not new to our time as we should try to pay attention and learn from the past. FDR had increased war production and shipments toward aid to Winston Churchill at a time Hitler was invading western European countries. When the luftwaffe was preparing to bomb England for the final push against Europe's final stand a particular US senator demanded re-payment for all the USA had done for England. The " Islands for payment" committee resulted. The committee offered to receive payment of title to UK's islands in exchange for the arms and supplies which had already been sent. This is what Trump Just tried to do to Ukraine in his minerals scam.
The Minnesota US senator is Ernest Lundeen. He was killed in a mysterious plane crash in 1940, one month after making a radio address. Inside his luggage was a new speech which was later found to have been written by German agents. It was also discovered he had been paid by Germany.
Like FDR, Biden had increased war production and shipments of aid to Ukraine. I am certain Trump is in collusion with Russia and is receiving payment, and has now cut off aid in a shameful spectacle inside the oval office in front of Russian state media. This situation has been allowed to continue much farther than it did in 1940. ELBOWS UP!
Canadians stand with you Charlie. Thank you for taking this on, we needed a spokesperson to help us focus our energies. tRump is so insecure. so he behaves like a bully. He's just a yoyo. ELBOWS UP CANADA !!
Sorry, we have to admit that way too many people - not a majority but a lot - who follow him and his lies and destruction enthusiastically. For whatever their toxic reasons, I don’t feel like dignifying it with an analysis. Know what they called Germans who were just ordinary people who went along with the Nazis out of convenience or prejudice or ignorance? Nazis. No one cares why.
Unfortunately there are lots of Americans who are behind him. He has a huge following of yoyos. Canadians are a lot tougher and smarter, than he and his sychophants are. How on earth Americans thought this orange rich guy would make a good leader is beyond me. He doesn't even know how to put on make up. And he's really not very bright. ELBOWS UP CANADIANS !!
Charlie, you are one of this Americans heros right from the beginning. You're one of those folks who give US Unity & Courage with Hope as well. Our political leaders all need to take an example and get them some Charlie Sense. ☮🇨🇦💙
Elbows up
Bravo Canada. Americans, even those who voted for Trump, did not sign up for this chaos, poor judgment and outright lying. We will survive but much has been destroyed that we were proud of. Most of us do not support the MAGA agenda.
I am a retired Marine MSgt and I was so grateful for PM Trudeau's words. I listened to both the English and French answers and even though I don't speak French, I have taken Latin and I understood what he was saying. I am disgusted and expected no different action from the Orange Traitor Felon than he pulled last term. He is not a success ful businessman rather he has bankrupted casinos and more businesses than anyone else. He is Putin's puppet and doing the bidding of the worst tyrant in the last 50 years. Putin wants the Canadian Arctic. So he sent his puppet to destroy the economy of Canada. I stand with Canada and Canadians. FDJT, FJDV, Fmagates
Unions Must Prepare to Occupy Plants Closed in Trade War
Song you might like!
Might like this song??? LOVE THIS SONG!!! Thank you CateD!!!
Elbows up! I've never seen my family more stubbornly united before now. Half of what we talk about these days is how to fight back as a group.
Trump kicked a hornet nest.
Trump's behavior toward Allies is not new to our time as we should try to pay attention and learn from the past. FDR had increased war production and shipments toward aid to Winston Churchill at a time Hitler was invading western European countries. When the luftwaffe was preparing to bomb England for the final push against Europe's final stand a particular US senator demanded re-payment for all the USA had done for England. The " Islands for payment" committee resulted. The committee offered to receive payment of title to UK's islands in exchange for the arms and supplies which had already been sent. This is what Trump Just tried to do to Ukraine in his minerals scam.
The Minnesota US senator is Ernest Lundeen. He was killed in a mysterious plane crash in 1940, one month after making a radio address. Inside his luggage was a new speech which was later found to have been written by German agents. It was also discovered he had been paid by Germany.
Like FDR, Biden had increased war production and shipments of aid to Ukraine. I am certain Trump is in collusion with Russia and is receiving payment, and has now cut off aid in a shameful spectacle inside the oval office in front of Russian state media. This situation has been allowed to continue much farther than it did in 1940. ELBOWS UP!
Rachel Maddow lays out the Ernest Lundeen story very well in her book Prequel and her series Ultra. She narrates them wonderfully. ☮💙
I am so proud of the leadership of Canada. 🇨🇦 Keep being a saboteur against the corrupt regime. True democracy-loving Americans salute you.
Thank you, Mr. Angus, for the inspiration, the rational perspective, and your love of Canada.
Canadians stand with you Charlie. Thank you for taking this on, we needed a spokesperson to help us focus our energies. tRump is so insecure. so he behaves like a bully. He's just a yoyo. ELBOWS UP CANADA !!
Charlie…. I love you I really DO.
But you really must stop kicking the insane rabid bear.
…you are not wrong !, what so ever and I agree 200%
but we are dealing with mental illness on a grand and powerful scale and we more than likely need a tranquiler gun than a boot. Just sayin love !
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Dear Canada. This is not the people doing this. He is not our leader.
Sorry, we have to admit that way too many people - not a majority but a lot - who follow him and his lies and destruction enthusiastically. For whatever their toxic reasons, I don’t feel like dignifying it with an analysis. Know what they called Germans who were just ordinary people who went along with the Nazis out of convenience or prejudice or ignorance? Nazis. No one cares why.
Unfortunately there are lots of Americans who are behind him. He has a huge following of yoyos. Canadians are a lot tougher and smarter, than he and his sychophants are. How on earth Americans thought this orange rich guy would make a good leader is beyond me. He doesn't even know how to put on make up. And he's really not very bright. ELBOWS UP CANADIANS !!