I wish I could move to Canada and be one of you. I’m so ashamed of the country that once’s was America. It breaks my heart.

Thank you for being strong and showing the world you will not back down.🇨🇦

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I wish I could move to Canada and be one of you. I’m so ashamed of the country that once’s was America. It breaks my heart.

Thank you for being strong and showing the world you will not back down.🇨🇦

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You are my hero Charlie! I too, didn't know about you until you were first interviewed on Meidas Touch podcast. I was blown away by your refreshing directness, to tell it how it is with strong assertiveness. Wow, what a man! I think Canada would be unbeatable if you as the fearless 'scrapper' teamed up with Mark Carney, the experienced negotiator who also gives as good as he gets with calm assertiveness and a great sense of humour. I first saw Mark on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and was mightily impressed.

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Thank you for speaking up for Canada. I don't believe concessions will help us deal with Mr. Trump any more than Nevil Chamberlain's meetings with Hitler gained "peace in our time". Giving in to bullies is never a solution.

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Kudos Charlie, for having the courage and the spine to speak plainly to the gravity of this moment.

Below is a link to a substack letter i read recently; it purports to be from a former twitter staffer, (living in fear of exposure) re how they were compelled to tweak the algorithms to win the election for Trump. Sounds credible, given the outcome and the character of those involved. It's happening in Europe and my worry is that it's probably happening in Canada too. With provincial and federal elections imminent, we are caught in an 'info war' without tools or strategy- how do we win 'hearts and minds' if we don't even acknowledge or call it out for what it is? And how do we counter the bots and the troll farms and the corruption? What tactics do we have to battle this fascist onslaught; this mass poisoning of the public square; this potential/probable election interference?


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Your insight is clear and needed. Your actions in Europe admirable. Your courage to tell the truth in a frightening new world is second to none. Now, I shop Canadian, I fly the flag, I enlighten friends but what more can we as individuals do other than vote which is a long process in the current environment. I wish there was an action group in Canada. Come on Charlie, lead us on.

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Your insight is clear and needed. Your actions in Europe admirable. Your courage to tell the truth in a frightening new world is second to none. Now, I shop Canadian, I fly the flag, I enlighten friends but what more can we as individuals do other than vote which is a long process in the current environment. I wish there was an action group in Canada. Come on Charlie, lead us on.

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Thank you Charlie. I am embarrassed this country has unleashed a mad man and his cronies on the world.

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We are behind you Charlie 100%

Tell it as you see it and don’t back down on the truth.

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Absolutely brilliant and spot on!

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Thank you Charlie!

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You and your party have been at the helm of the Canadian ship and you failed miserably. You allowed or military to fall into ruin, you allowed our economy to crumble you allowed the future of future generations to be destroyed. You stand up at NATO and make a nice speech but you have allowed our parliament to be closed by your allie Trudeau. Shame on you and your party

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Thank you Charlie for standing up for Canada. Sometimes it takes just one person to speak out, and of course, it's a Canadian. Canadians, we are in it for the long haul!

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So proud of you Charlie! Thank you for being our voice and rousing them to their feet. We CAN be the light. With gratitude for the resilience and strength you encourage.

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Thank goodness you are telling it like it is!


You think you're too small to make a difference? Tell me about it.

You think you're helpless, at the mercy of forces beyond your control?

Been there.

Think you're doomed to disappear, just one small voice among millions?

That's no weakness, trust me.

That's your wild card, your trick, your implement.

They won't see you coming, until you're there, in their faces, shining, festive, expendable, eternal.

Sure you're small, just one small part of a storm that changes everything.

That's how you win, my friend, again and again and again.

Kim Stafford

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Thanks. I wish you maple leafs the best

JD 90 minutes from Ontario.

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