Trump learned much of his trade from this despicable lowlife:


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A keeper... with one objection:

The violent, nihilistic psychopat is just beside him...

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True as always. These right wing lies have been around a long time. I full time RV’ed in the states beginning in 2004. Often finding radio stations was difficult and only AM stations were available. They were full of talk show hosts spewing out hate. Each year it seemed to get worse. The state of affairs in the U.S. today is the result of a deliberate plan to sow distrust in government and liberal policies.

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The disingenuity of the capitalist dream has been there for all to see for decades if they looked beyond the facade, but now it's out in the open.

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I have never been prouder to be Canadian.

That aside, I have studied Hitler and European WWII history. If we don’t understand how significant Trump’s progression towards full fascism and his desire to create the environment for war, we will be immersed in it before we know it.

Trump is trying to create a Great Depression again. It will wipe out everyone’s wealth except the most wealthy. They can then pick up all kinds of businesses, real estate, etc., at bargain prices while the rest of us are begging on the streets. His movement towards total alignment with Putin is steady and it must be stopped.


America, it is time to stop him before the government is too far gone to be revived. How much more are you going to allow? Once he’s taken over, stopping him will require you to go to war with him. Because he’s alienated your allies, will it be Putin he calls for help? Are you really going to be okay with just the “wait and see” attitude you usually take? By then, it will be too late. You must find a way to remove him from power before his coup is complete!

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Well, I guess you read Mr. Goebbels as well, Charlie - and learned that if you repeat a lie long enough, and often enough, people will believe it. Gaza is far from a "charnel house" as you call it. Even if we accept the numbers provided by a recognized Terrorist entity - Hamas - you know, those good folks who murdered 1,200 Jews on Oct 7, 2023, videoing themselves taking 250 hostages, raping, murdering, men, women and children, and dogs, Charlie - they murdered family dogs... But I digress. Even if we accept those numbers, 1. at least 50% of the dead are Hamas terrorists - who you would not trust your wife and daughters with - unless you're a Muslim yourself? - and 2. 22,500 dead, while terrible, is not a genocide by any stretch when there are approximately 2.3 million - MILLION Palestinians in Gaza - so 22,500 is less than 1% of the total population. Hardly a genocide. Not to mention, hamas started a war in the most inhumane way possible, but let's ignore the facts. Lessons from Goebbels well learned indeed.

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I keep reading about americans saying they're sorry but don't worry. We'll change all this in 4 years. In my humble opinion, that's not going to happen. By that time orange thing will have dismantled the constitution, declared himself leader forever. Everybody is leaning on the constitution. So far it's not working. I pray that there is something going on in the background, some plan that will get rid of this thug.

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I only watched 2 min of Trump’s rambling the other night.🤢

The atmosphere in the chamber was that of a wedding reception attended by a bunch of privileged frat boys who haven’t seen each other—or matured—in a decade, all exaggeratedly whooping & laughing at the drunk best man’s inside jokes.

No decorum.

No aplomb.

I miss those.

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So many Americans have lost sight of what their country is supposed to be about, Yet it is so aptly expressed at the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Oh America, what have you done? I grieve for you.

This Canadian would welcome 240,000 Ukrainian refugees from the United States. I hope our government will move on this. Who would have thought there would ever be refugees from the United States? To think Canadians would ever want to be a state in such a place staggers the imagination. I wish the resistance there well.

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"Arguing with a liar isn't going to change this. What’s needed is determined resistance and an unwillingness to cede any more ground to the world's foremost liar."

I could not have said this any better, in particular a "determined resistance." I have mentioned in a previous response that I read "Antifa" to see what works with creeping fascism and it is exactly this - push back (or in our case "elbows up") at every turn. If we don't we look weak to Trump and his minions and they are most surely testing the waters right now as they began doing in his 2016 presidency. They have a plan there is absolutely no doubt about that and we must disrupt that plan and throw them off balance. Trudeau knows this now and I hope he will pass this along to his successor. As Janet Wilson suggested in her comment below, we don't have to take the path the US is, we can follow our moral compass and go our own way.

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I watched a short speech today that reminded me of our power to pull together in times of crisis and challenge. To rededicate ourselves to our deepest values and the better angels of our nature. I am proud (and relieved) that Canada has been reminded of who we are and who we want to be, by the turmoil in the USA. They simply took the wrong fork in the road. We don't have to. I am so heartened that Canadians are pulling together, toward the light, following our moral compass.

I think Canada and Canadians would welcome those Ukrainian refugees with open arms. We all have to be here for each other. Now more than ever.

Here is that speech, btw. Much better than the ones Hitler gave! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSa52TR9tCA&t=18s

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Thank you, you are spot on 👍

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Charlie, you are a deranged retard.

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One place where the average Canadian can make a mark is with his wallet.

Level 1: Avoid buying U.S. made/labeled products. My stock up shopping went from 1.5 hours to 4 hours, as I discarded items that came from the U.S.

Level 2: Show the managers that you do not care for them selling US stuff.

* grab US made items and move them.

* bring a felt marker and label the shelf tag USA

* drop american produce on the floor.

These all create work for the owners of these stores.


Order stuff from Amazon.ca. If it's marked made in USA return it.

You can do this with anything. Any store. By doing this you are sending a message to store owenrs -- we don't want US goods untilthis mess is fixed.

Ontario struck a chord with the Kentucky distillers. We need more of that. We need american produce to rot on the shelves. American stock to sit there, until managers discount it steeply. A benefit for our poor.

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No need to be nasty. Showing the managers how boorish you can be will not get things off the shelf any faster. There are all sorts of apps available that, with a quick scan, will tell you where an item came from. Shops and stores are going to be looking at the same problems we are all going to have, and being a creep will not help anyone.

If where you shop is jacking up prices now, you may want to speak to the manager. My grocery store has stamped all Canadian products with a red maple leaf next to the price. Very handy. Ordering from Amazon.ca is still buying from Jeff Bezos, 2nd only to Musk in billionaire dollars. The site is listed in Canadian $$, but it is American all the same.

Don’t behave like a 10-year-old with a bad attitude writing things with a black Sharpie (sounds like someone...).USA at first, but the temptation to get more colourful will surely follow. I don’t want to read it.

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Amazon.ca is still Amazon. The ".ca" does not indicate it is Canadian!

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This technique of "say it enough times makes it true" has been around for a very long time. It's a common business practice, as well. So common that it's taught in big, greedy, questionable corporations, as part of their internal politics.

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All this meanness and squabbling has led me to question my inner self, so I better let it out.

I think I might be … Canadian.

I’ve been forced to contemplate how much gratuitous God-damn MEANNESS I have to deal with, and how God-damn MANY mean people there are, every place I’ve lived in America. MEAN for no reason. Not as mean as MAGA mean, pour hot coffee on the baby mean, ELON mean. Heartless. Gratuitously cruel.

America that I remember was not as mean. People would be modest, self-deprecating, humorous and genuine, gentle. I saw a little of that, and it suddenly blew away.

Everyone seems to have a streak of it around these parts. I’m a doctor, and some of my patients are mean. I’m very scrupulous about avoiding condescension or impatience in my own behavior. Those are things I don’t want in my backpack. I honestly don’t finish a clinic visit without asking a patient if there’s anything else, and they say “no.” Sometimes once a week there’s an exception. Most weeks, no.

Seeing the reflection of America in the world’s eyes, I’m really disappointed. Is this how we come off? I suspect so.

American men are not allowed to be afraid or show anything but toughness. We have American women who despise such men.

An awful lot of the time, people shoot each other here. Do you ever contemplate homicide? I don’t.

I hear Canadians and they don’t sound nicey-nice. They just sound decent, like people going about their business.

I feel like a fish who just figured out what water is.

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Steve, you have truly identified the difference between us Canadians and many people in the US (not all). Our history and our values emphasize the collective good, not me, me, me. We are a capitalist society, but only so far. More importantly, we are a social democracy and everyone who can, must pay their fair share in taxes so we can look out for those who have less. Our system is not perfect and we have much work to do to help our homeless, those addicted, those living in poverty, and other groups who need a hand in life. We pay more taxes than the US, for sure, but what we get for those taxes are important social programs, medical care, and other benefits that help all of us. I wouldn't trade Canada for anywhere in the world. Come join us. Your skills as a doctor are needed and your perspective fits right into our family. You won't get rich here, but you will have a rich life.

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You certainly understand the Canadian mindset and may be Canadian in heart and mind, which is what defines us. We do our very best to always be on the right side of history, but we are not perfect. We have made mistakes and we still do, but being Canadian is as much about recognizing those mistakes as it is righting them.

Canadians are nice until we are angry and nothing sets us off more than betrayal or disrespect. We don't tend to wear our patriotism on our sleeve, but disrespect our country and unite us, and the world will see we love our nation and what it stands for, but most of all, we look after each other. I live in eastern Canada, the Maritimes. We are not a wealthy part of Canada, but if you are in need, you will never find a more generous or helpful group of people. People who have very little will give the shirt off their back to a stranger in need. It is who we are and a big piece of what we value about ourselves. Always help someone in need, stand up for those who are being singled out, treat people how you want to be treated.

If I were to try to define the difference between Canadians and Americans, it would be this: we never put ourselves above others, we see value in everyone. We look at the new Canadian the same as someone whose family has been here for generations. Being Canadian isn't about our differences, it's about our values, it's about celebrating, not judging others for their differences and embracing each other for what we have in common, all while accepting none of us are perfect. We are not a melting pot, we are a beautiful mosaic.

Im a Canadian veteran, I love Canada with all my heart and have passed that love to my children, who in turn will pass it on to their children. The heart of Canada will never die, it beats in all of us and will continue to beat regardless of what we face.

We never start a fight, but we always stand up and defend ourselves, and we have been known to be vicious in battle. This is because we fight for each other. If you think you would fit in with our values, I welcome you to come visit, pick any place, every region of our country has beauty and places to explore while getting to know the people. If you like it here, you would be welcomed with open arms to take the leap of faith and come join us. For Canadians its not about where you were born, its about what is in your heart!

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Very eloquently stated.

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Welcome aboard, Steve.

Being Canadian isn't about what's on your passport. It's about your values, your resolve, determination, and your ability to forgive when forgiveness is what's important. But it's also about NOT forgiving, when forgiving is the wrong answer. It's about fighting for what's right, in any way possible. It's about not taking prisoners, when those would-be prisoners are the very reason that you're in the fight.

I don't care what your passport says. If you resolve to stop madness and meanness in its tracks; if you feel the rage when rage is what needs to be felt; if you look on the downtrodden and help to lift them up, even when being threatened yourself, then you represent what Canada itself stands for. We're about equality, and fighting for it. We live for what's Right.

And those that don't know and honour these ideals, are NOT Canadian, no matter what their passport says, and will be considered the adversary. We will not be nice to them, and we will not apologize. When we say that we will fight all enemies, foreign or domestic, we mean it. And no deity will hold us down for doing what's right.

So, are you really Canadian? Think long and hard on this one. If you are, if you believe in our way, we welcome you with open arms and will treat you as an equal, no matter where you live. However, if you have any thought of betraying us, or going against our values, we will know. And you'll quickly learn how we feed our inner rage beast. It thrives on the bully, the liar, the grifter, eats them for breakfast. And is always on the lookout for seconds.

If you haven't followed history of Canadians at war, I recommend checking out the Battle for Vimy Ridge. And the landing at Juno beach. Dieppe. There are many other examples. These all demonstrate where we stand in the world, and what we ultimately stand for. And what it means to be Canadian.

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They didn’t listen.. they are too ignorant to care or understand!! It is like when you tell a teenage girl she can’t date a boy.. all they want is that “boy”. Same boy here.

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