Thank you Charlie Angus. This Canadian is proud of what you are doing

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war mongering is not the way to go charlie.

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This is not the time for being cowardly or complacent or even polite at times. This is the time to stand up brave and strong for democracy.

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Thank you for standing up to these despicable cowards and bullies.

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Thanks, Charlie. As one who never voted for the Orange Traitor Felon, I can not believe that "official " US policy is now in bed with the communists. Guess the Orange Traitor Felon needs to sleep with someone since his estranged spouse won't. It takes a lot to get Americans angry enough to act but I suspect that anger is close to the boiling point. When it boils over, anyone in the way will get burnt. Semper Fi.

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Ooh I forgot to add: I asked our broadcasters here to gather comedians to support a fundraiser for one of their peers, President Zelensky, but MAYBE you are just the guy to do that, gather your Canadian (and British too) funny men and women, we know them all here, and sponsor a fun-raiser, how about it!!

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Charlie Angus!! Our Canadian MP who speaks softly but carries a big stick. I don't think the world knew who you even were until Meidas Touch brought you on but you've done us proud. In a world full of Drumphs, be a Charlie Angus.

I'd love to see you as our PM.

To Drumph and his cronies.

How dare you berate a man whose country was illegally invaded by Russia especially by a guy who is a draft dodger and has never seen war. You all need to sit down and step off. The only adult in that room was President Zelenskyy. We stand with Ukraine.

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Charlie, will you be our Resistance Representative in the US, or at least consult with ours. They seem voiceless here. Anyway, I heard you on Mediastouch, am in Ohio, heard you discuss what will happen to car industry here, happened to have gone to BGSU a big hockey school then, I am calling our so called representatives with the single line Elbows Up, hope I'm not arrested. Anyway, my husband and I are trying for a Canadian visa, in all seriousness, and will use you as a reference. Btw, we are kind and miss that here.

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Thanks to all of those protesters

Your voice matters and ripples

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Navarro? Navarro who? Who in their right mind does 6 months in jail for Donald Trump and for essentially NOTHING as a reward! He ends up with a “job” and zero cred and zero reputation, forever! Duhhhhh!

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Why do we allow the Russian Embassy to remain open in Canada and why are Trump, Musk or any of their followers allowed to be in our country? Thank You so much for your voice!

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Many, many Americans stand with Canada and Ukraine. Stand firm.

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Thank you so much Charlie Angus! Please keep speaking out! Your voice and your insights are so very much needed. Canada needs you Charlie!! I will share this to Facebook and X.

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Thank you, Charlie? 🇺🇦🇺🇦

Admittedly I'm worried tho. I feel like we'll be squeezed from the north and the south. Economically at first,... Is the PM solidifying new European trade partners to replace selling to the states? Trump wants Russian resources to replace ours at a cheaper cost? Russia US want a northern shipping route..... Enter Greenland? What about the readiness of our military? Wtf is happening? Other Canadians must be feeling the same? Thanks for listening to my rant 😳

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This American stands with Canada and Ukraine against Trumputin!

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The sane people of America stand with Canada, Ukraine, and Mexico, too. This mess was a long planned coup. We tried to warn others that he was a liar and a crook. Half of them wouldn’t list, the other half just as bad as tRump! They have all the guardrails in knots, have been doing that over time, and they’re happy to cheat.

We don’t fault Canada in any way for standing up to the tRump gang. It needs to be done. Mexico, too. He’s not even the leader. He’s too stupid to lead. He’s just their patsy and useful idiot. But he’s more than happy to hurt people. It makes him feel powerful, in his mind that seems to compensate for all of his other failings. He’s not a mentally healthy person. Actually, his personhood is questionable, too. Even his own mother is quoted to have said, “I raised a monster.”

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